Resurrection: What Is the Best Evidence?
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What would cause someone to believe Jesus bodily rose from the dead? And what difference does it make?
At first “Dan” told our Q Place group that the resurrection is a parable. Then he decided it is a fantasy. Dan has been a lifelong man of integrity and principle who is now examining Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus is a sticking point for him. For Dan to change 60+ years of belief is major.
We Christians believe the resurrection is not only central to our faith, but the pivotal point of all history. Without Easter, the day when Christians commemorate Jesus’ resurrection, there is no Christianity, and our faith in Jesus is useless, as the apostle Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 15:14.
So, what would it take for someone to trust that the resurrection happened? Eyewitness accounts? Scientific evidence that Jesus died and then rose from the dead? Sheer faith?
Let’s step back a minute from the desire to persuade someone else. Assuming you do believe that Jesus rose from the dead, let me ask you a question that I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about this week.
What practical difference does Jesus’ resurrection make in your everyday life?
The other day a friend told me she had been a pharmaceutical sales rep and never had trouble selling a certain medication because she had personally experienced the amazing impact it made in her life. What would you say is the life changing difference the risen Lord Jesus has made in your life?
Perhaps your answer to that question is the best evidence you can give that Jesus is alive!
Fran Goodrich
Q Place Blog Editor
P.S. Q Place has a free 1-Sheet discussion that you can use in your group for a special Easter-themed discussion. It’s called What Is the Significance of Easter?
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