6 Great Thanksgiving Questions
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The pies are baked, the turkey is in the oven, the table is set, the guests are on their way. All is ready for a great time.
But what great questions can you ask for fun, meaningful conversations around your table? These six Thanksgiving questions for your gathering or small group lead to significant connections:
- What tops your list as something you did this year that you had never done before?
- What fun thing did you do to make a difference in the lives of other people this year . . . or in the life of just one person this year?
- What is the value of having a thankful heart?
- Who has made the biggest difference in your life during this past year? How did they do that? Have you thanked them? Can you call or send them a text or email today to thank them?
- Who do you think is happier?
– People who are thankful for what they have.
– People who finally get something they waited a long time for. - What is the most difficult thing that has happened to you this past year? Is there any part of that difficult experience that actually brought blessings into your life?
An article in The Wall Street Journal (Nov 2010) summarizes a significant body of research on the topic of gratitude:
Adults who frequently feel grateful have more energy, more optimism, more social connections and more happiness than those who do not. They’re also less likely to be depressed, envious, or greedy. They earn more money, sleep more soundly, exercise more regularly, and have greater resistance to illness.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, consider inviting neighbors or friends over for a discussion about thankfulness. Pumpkin or pecan pie goes great with the questions above. You can also choose one of our free Thanksgiving discussion options for a rich, meaningful time discussing Scripture on thankfulness and gratitude! (The link goes to all of our holiday discussion resources, so you can plan ahead for Christmas as well!)
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