Make a Gift to Q Place
Your support for Q Place brings thousands of people each year into conversations and group discussions where they can come to know Jesus and grow in him!
To make a donation to Q Place or to the ministry of any of our field staff catalysts, please fill out the form below. Does your employer match employee gifts? Let us know if information from us is needed to set up an employer match.
Would you consider supporting Q Place through a bequest in your will or trust? If so, here is helpful information about bequest giving.

For the greatest impact, set up a recurring electronic gift. You can choose the frequency—monthly, twice a month, or even weekly. Donations given through checking or savings accounts allow us to avoid credit card transaction fees and apply the entire gift.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Q Place depends on tax deductible gifts from individuals, churches, corporations, and foundations. If you would prefer to give by mail, please print a donation form to send in with your check made out to Q Place.
Q Place’s 990 is available upon request. Please email to request a copy.